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Physical Security vs. Logical Security

What’s The Difference Between Physical And Logical Security?

Every industry requires protection in one form or another whether it’s your enterprise’s sensitive data or restricted locations on the premises. The exclusivity of your facility is pertinent and ranges from the restriction on documents to rooms which only a selected few have access.

When it comes to keeping the inner workings away from prying eyes or intruders, there are two options to consider: Physical and logical security methods. The implementation of these security measures allows for better peace of mind knowing your facility, employees, and data are secure. Here are some of the key differences between physical and logical security:

Physical Security

Physical security pertains to preventative measures used to halt intruders from physically accessing the location. Denoting physical or electronic equipment that protects tangible aspects of the site, physical security is effective in stopping unwanted trespassers or unauthorized visitors. Physical security solutions like visitor management protect unauthorized visitors. You can never be too safe in ensuring that those who enter are granted the proper permissions to do so. Unauthorized visitors could be looking to extract company data, do harm to employees, or even steal equipment such as computers and monitors.

Physical security allows for established barriers wherever needed to ensure only those with clearance can enter. Additional physical security measures include:

Vaults – Their sturdy construction provides boundless protection, whether it be for valuables or information such as documents and data storage drives. Vaults have the capabilities to withstand physical damages by potential intruders to keep the contents safe. Breaking into a vault is so difficult that it acts as a deterrent against possible theft.

CCTV – Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) allows most any location throughout your facility to be monitored and recorded. Helpful in identifying those who break in while also discouraging would-be invaders, video surveillance and CCTV are effective, and some of the most common, physical security measures. CCTV also cuts down on security costs as it allows fewer people to monitor more of the facility as opposed to appointing guards to a post.

Alarms – In the event of unauthorized entry, alarms signal the authorities and ensure proper responses are taken with the uninvited party. Alarms reduce staffing needs and increase response time by eliminating the need for physically having a person to contact law enforcement.

Logical Security

On the internet alone there are an estimated 1.2 million terabytes of data. With so much information available to anyone with internet access, our expansion digitally has caused the world to shrink due to our interconnectedness. The resulting small world, however, doesn’t denote that everything needs sharing. Logical Security refers to the safeguards in place to protect access to the data storage system itself. It is used once inside the work site and makes it difficult for those without certain permissions to gain access to systems in which they do not belong. If someone were to make it past the physical security, logical security ensures that they cannot get into computer systems without credentials to keep your network safe from intrusion.

Examples of effective logical security solutions include:

User Profiles – Providing authorized individuals with accounts access to the system makes it easier to keep track of individuals accessing what and when. Shared networks monitor who modifies documents and records users logging in for reference later if fraud is suspected.

Passwords – While employees have access to the premises, you still want to ensure security within your system. Passwords are the ideal way to prevent unwanted parties from getting in. Strong passwords prevent hackers from entering and disturbing the integrity of your data.

Biometrics – Including retina scans, fingerprint analysis, and vocal recognition, biometrics uses physiology as a means of identification.

Get Protected

There is no reason to leave your business vulnerable when there is easy access to plenty of defenses that can be employed. Through the use of physical and logical security, you can rest easy knowing that your facility and the systems within it are heavily guarded and secure. No longer put your company at risk.

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