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Improve Operations with an Electronic Visitor Management Solution

Updated: Jul 22, 2019

Electronic Visitor Management Solution is the Operational Boost Your Company Needs

An electronic visitor management system (VMS) is software that organizations use to monitor and manage guest and vendor activity. Usually a cloud-based service, VMS provides an extra layer of physical security. Turning guests into electronic visitors has operational benefits. This includes boosting productivity, enhancing workflows, and reducing administrative costs.

Are you considering tools which will improve operational functions at your company? A VMS is often a solution.

Consider the following benefits of a visitor management system:

Visitor Transparency

A VMS provides insight into your visitor activity. It quickly identifies the efficiency of your lobby’s visitor greeting and processing procedures. It tracks who visits your building, monitors traffic patterns, and creates reports for easy auditing.

Identify Visitor Types

Electronic visitor management systems require guests to identify the reason for their visit upon check-in. A VMS tells you if authorized visitors are vendors, meeting attendees, guests or of other specified type. It also identifies where they are on premise, and the duration of their visit.

Define Visitor Trends

A VMS identifies a high employee/visitor ratio, as well as repeat visitors. You can easily identify if traffic matches sales volume, or other business benefit. A VMS can help determine if traffic is beneficial. It also ensures your engagements with vendors are effective and necessary.

Enhance Emergency Evacuation Protocol

Knowing who is in your building enhances security protocol in the event of an emergency. A VMS keeps real-time data logs. This ensures active guests are notified of an evacuation. Visitors and staff can simultaneously exit the building safely.

Enhance Administrative Workflow

When visitor data is tracked electronically, front office staff are able to complete other tasks. An independent check-in allows a receptionist to focus on activities with higher priority. Additionally, kiosks at secure un-manned entrances increase productivity and reduce overhead costs.

Identification is Key

Security ID badges are printed at check-in and help employees identify guests in the building. Badges include customized fields of data, their destination in your facility, and serve as a photo ID. Badges print in seconds when guests check-in, or in advance, with no impact to traffic flow.

Secure Information

Guests often need to sign a NDA, or other type of privacy agreement, before entering the building. Additionally, many businesses must comply with industry regulations like ITAR, HIPAA, and OSHA. A VMS easily integrates these agreements and allows visitors to sign forms digitally at check in. This provides an extra layer of protection for your data.

These are just a few of the ways a VMS can enhance the operations of any business. Consult with your security, operations or IT staff to identify ways which you can customize an electronic visitor management system.

At Veristream, we offer solutions to fit any size company. Contact us today for more information, or schedule a demo with one or our representatives.

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