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Guidelines to Enhance Security in Enterprises

Security technology is continually evolving, particularly in the visitor management and access control categories. As technology changes to meet the needs of end users, the role of security departments must evolve too. The departments need to coordinate with your organizational goals in order to be effective.

Technology now offers opportunities for a more proactive role in ensuring efficient and effective organizational operations. Thanks to automated systems like visitor management, security is now positioned to succeed at protecting your employees, visitors, property, and bottom line.

Each enterprise has specific security needs and goals. While there may be no universal solution, there are five guidelines you can follow to enhance your organization’s performance and capabilities.

Widen Your Security Department’s Function and Responsibilities

In addition to minimizing risks, your security team should be capable of assessing visitor check-in, compliance, and visitor tracking efficiency by utilizing security technology, such as visitor management systems, to collect and analyze large amounts of data. This data can help identify and prevent potential threats, as well as generate reports to demonstrate organizational compliance with government, industry, and/or company requirements.

Identify Your Organization’s Security Goals

The security team should be responsible for determining your organization’s overall security goals, which involve four primary activities – identifying policies and procedures that interfere with efficiency and safety; identifying internal and external stakeholders; gathering information highlighting challenges, and generating measurable goal statements for stakeholders and other areas.

Pinpoint Areas that Can Benefit from Automation

Automating visitor management and other security processes to minimize human intervention can streamline processes, increase efficiency, and cut costs by accommodating self-service visitor registration and check-in, tracking requests, and automatically completing compliance checks.

Identify Metrics to Track Success

Security staff should be able to identify metrics critical to measuring performance and demonstrating benefits. Metrics can help security establish costs and process delays that may be affecting the company’s security and bottom line.

Implement Frequent Assessments

Security should survey stakeholders for feedback on processes, and review those findings routinely in order to make changes or implement new goals that will continually improve security in your facility. This starts with the first step of identifying, measuring, and tracking metrics, then consistently measuring the security protocol’s ongoing value to the organization.

An organization’s security is heavily reliant on the technology they use. Accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness are all amplified with the use of technology, such as visitor management systems and access control.

Contact Veristream today at 888-718-0807 to learn how we can help improve your enterprise’s security and create a safe environment for your employees and guests.

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